Overstaying a South African visa is certainly the most common reason for foreigners being declared undesirable and banned from the country, but it is not the only one. Who would be at risk of being declared undesirable The Immigration Act grants a discretionary power on the Director-General of Home Affairs, allowing him to declare the following […]
Our “Dysfunctional Work Permit System”
Likely familiar to you by now, the 2014 South African Immigration Act Amendments have been the source of widespread controversy. Arguably one of the most vociferously contested points surrounding the Act has concerned the potentially detrimental effects on both foreign investment and the influx of highly qualified professionals. The most recent public figure to lend […]
Detention and Deportation – Know your rights
The South African Immigration Act No.13 of 2002 provides immigration officials with rather wide-ranging powers when it comes to the arrest, detention and deportation of illegal foreigners. In some instances, these powers have been abused as displayed in the case of Edward Samotse. Thus it has become incredibly important for foreigners to familiarise themselves with […]
The Law 1- 0 Department of Home Affairs
In recent times, the Department of Home Affairs has held an almost omnipotent position in South African society. Frustrated citizens and foreigners alike have encountered the Department’s perceived lack of respect for the rule of law and will be pleased to hear that a new court judgment has finally forced Home Affairs to play by […]
Compromise for Advertising Sector
A recent agreement between the Commercial Producers Association of South Africa and the Department of Home Affairs promises to allay some of the concerns faced by SA’s advertising sector. Amendments to national immigration policy last year had stakeholders of the television and film industry apprehensive over losses in international revenue on account of onerous visa […]
South African company types
The Companies Act 71 of 2008, as amended by Act 3 of 2011, governs the formation of companies in South Africa. The most basic categorization is the division between companies for profit and non-profit companies. Sub divisions of South African companies Companies for profit can further be sub-divided into: state-owned companies, private companies, personal liability […]
South African wins Miss World
If the prospect of moving to South Africa wasn’t already attractive enough, then perhaps the recent crowning of our very own Rolene Strauss as Miss World might revitalize your interest in our marvelous country. At only 22, Strauss has managed to conquer the most prestigious beauty pageant in the world, while simultaneously being enrolled as […]
VFS centres closing for the festive season
In an unprecedented move, VFS South Africa has announced that its visa application centres will be closed from 19 December 2014 to 5 January 2015. The closure will affect thousands of expiring-visa holders who will not be able to renew visas during this time. What is VFS South Africa VFS South Africa, part of the […]
Nobel summit relocated to Rome
Fans and followers of the Dalai Lama who hoped to finally see his Holiness on South African soil will be disappointed to learn that the country forfeited the opportunity to host the Nobel Peace laureate’s summit this year after denying the Dalai Lama a visa for a third time. The summit, which was initially to […]
VFS Appeals – What you need to know
You’ve obtained all your documents, waited in line, and finally submitted your visa or permanent residency application. Days turn into weeks, and weeks into months, but before you have a chance to finalise your Christmas wish-list you have your outcome from the Department of Home Affairs REJECTED. What to do if your South African visa […]