Closing Dates For VFS Centres over the Festive Season

More Changes At The VFS Centre In Cape Town

After moving back to the 21st Floor Absa Building Riebeeck Street on Monday, VFS is taking in submissions on appointment only and very urgent walk-ins (i.e expiring documents), in our experience the next appointments available are in three weeks time. Since November 1, collections have been taking place at their temporary offices on the 5th […]

Closing Dates For VFS Centres over the Festive Season

Urgent Update From Cape Town VFS Centre

The VFS centre in Cape Town temporarily closed on the 18th of October. They opened a temporary office on the 5th Floor, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town, and rearranged the times for submissions and collections to manage the flow of people through the building. As of today they will be back in the Absa building. […]

South African Biometrics Capturing System

Complaints about capturing of biometrics causing the long ques and flight delays at the OR Tambo International Airport (ORTIA) have been addressed by the Home Affairs Director-General, Mkuseli Apleni this morning in a media briefing in Rosebank, Johannesburg. In December 2015, South Africa employed a biometrics capturing system for foreign national travellers entering South Africa’s […]

Closing Dates For VFS Centres over the Festive Season

Important Notice: DHA Application Centre in Cape Town temporarily moved

Important Update “The DHA Application Centre located at the Absa building in Riebeeck Street, Cape Town, has temporarily moved to a new location: 5th Floor, 47 Strand Street, Cape Town. DHA Applicants are advised that, with immediate effect, they can submit their applications as per their appointment at this centre until further notice. Applications can […]

Closing Dates For VFS Centres over the Festive Season

Notice: DHA Application Centre in Cape Town Temporarily Closed

Please note the following statement from the VFS Global Centre in Cape Town: “Due to unforeseen circumstances, the DHA Application center at 21st floor Absa Centre, No 2 Riebeeck Street, Cape Town South Africa, will be temporarily closed. We regret the inconvenience caused and are working towards re-opening the center as soon as possible. Please […]

UPDATE: New Police Clearance Process Postponed

In mid-September, The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) announced that a new process of gaining a South African police clearance via applicant’s biometrics (fingerprints) would be effective as of 1 October 2016. Read more about the announcement here. VFS Global announced that this procedure has been temporarily postponed until further notice. Read the notice here. […]

Autism treatment in South Africa

How To Get A Visa for autism treatment in South Africa

South Africa has a large choice of popular autism schools and treatment centres of a high standard which a number of foreign nationals seeking treatments look to as a solution. In most cases, South Africa is the only option for some countries to turn to for treatments, as these centres have not yet established in […]

DHA introduces automated process for RSA Police Clearance

RSA Police Clearance Application No Longer Required for Visas

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has announced that it will no longer be necessary for those applying for South African visas to obtain hard copies of South African police clearance certificates before South African visa applications may be submitted. As of 1 October, 2016, VFS will use visa applicant’s fingerprints to automatically run background […]

12 Photos that prove South African Skies are pure magic

Watch the sunset with friends after conquering the mighty Orange River. Smell those big, fat Highveld raindrops during an afternoon thunderstorm in Jozi. Amble on the edge of the world at Slangkop lighthouse. Ponder stars long dead and gone, but still shining in the Karoo. Or simply just enjoy our photos of magnificent African skies, […]

Anti-LGBTI Pastor Prohibited from entering South Africa

The Department of Home Affairs (“DHA”) has released a statement clarifying its position on the proposed visit of American Pastor Steven Anderson to South Africa. Pastor Anderson is well-known for his anti-LGBTI stance and homophobic preaching. The statement follows public outcry at the news that the controversial pastor would be visiting South Africa to spread […]