Foreign companies in South Africa

Foreign-registered companies in South Africa

Companies registered outside South Africa may conduct business in South Africa in two ways.  Firstly, the company can register a South African subsidiary.  Alternatively, the company can register as an “external company” in terms of section 23 of the Companies Act. If none of the incorporators have a South African visa, then registering a South […]

Image of sad dog over Christmas

Summertime Sadness for expiring visa holders

Waiting for your new visa to be issued?  Previous visa expired? Don’t go home for Christmas. With the festive season fast approaching, we are often asked whether clients who await issuance of their visas will be allowed to travel to their home countries for the holidays. Due to recent changes to South Africa’s immigration policies, […]


The King who envied the shepherd

South African provincial rugby side, the EP Kings, have made news after one of their newly acquired foreign imports, Samoan wing Paul Perez, had his contract terminated after disappearing for two days without permission or notice. Under the conditions of Perez’s visa, the EP Kings were obliged to inform the Department of Home Affairs of […]

Image of drunken driver - South African visa application

Drunken driving convictions and visas

Clients often ask “can I apply for a visa if I have been convicted of drunken driving?” The answer depends on the sentence which followed the conviction. Requirements for a South African Visa application When applying for a visa, applicants older than 18 are required to submit a police clearance certificate in respect of every […]

Image of Invictus movie poster

South African film industry put to the test

South Africa’s film and television industry continues to play an increasingly important role in creating employment opportunities and attracting foreign investment, contributing an estimated R3.5 billion to the national economy in 2013. The favorable exchange rate, picturesque locations, as well as the impressive repertoire of internationally acclaimed productions filmed within its borders, have solidified South […]

Image of South African farm workers

Corporate visas – What’s changed?

In the past, corporate visas (formerly known as corporate permits until 26 May 2014) were recommended to many South African organizations which needed to bring foreign workers into the country en masse. Due to the 2014 changes to South Africa’s immigration policies, which became effective from 26 May 2014, the holders of corporate worker certificates, […]

Department of Home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba

South African Immigration policies challenged

Several months after the implementation of the amended Immigration Act No. 13 of 2002 and the accompanying regulations, there is still protest from various stakeholders within the travel and tourism industry, including local government. The Minister of Home Affairs, Malusi Gigaba, recently addressed the Western Cape provincial parliament’s economic opportunities, tourism and agriculture committee in […]

South African undesirable person

The ‘Undesirable Person’ in South Africa

The implementation of the amended Immigration Act 13 of 2002 (“the Act”) has seen sweeping changes across the field of immigration law in South Africa. This article will look to provide clarity around the issue of foreigners being declared an “Undesirable Person” in South Africa. What is an “Undesirable Person” in South Africa? According to […]