South African company types -

South African company types

The Companies Act 71 of 2008, as amended by Act 3 of 2011, governs the formation of companies in South Africa. The most basic categorization is the division between companies for profit and non-profit companies. Sub divisions of South African companies Companies for profit can further be sub-divided into: state-owned companies, private companies, personal liability […]

Foreign companies in South Africa

Foreign-registered companies in South Africa

Companies registered outside South Africa may conduct business in South Africa in two ways.  Firstly, the company can register a South African subsidiary.  Alternatively, the company can register as an “external company” in terms of section 23 of the Companies Act. If none of the incorporators have a South African visa, then registering a South […]

Image of drunken driver - South African visa application

Drunken driving convictions and visas

Clients often ask “can I apply for a visa if I have been convicted of drunken driving?” The answer depends on the sentence which followed the conviction. Requirements for a South African Visa application When applying for a visa, applicants older than 18 are required to submit a police clearance certificate in respect of every […]